Feature Request - We Add Features That Our Clients Want

April 18, 2018

StoragePug product features blog header.
3 min

At StoragePug we love technology & software. StoragePug's founders have over 14 years combined experience developing enterprise software.

We all met at the University of Tennessee while studying Computer Science.

After graduating Tommy went on to start his own software company, Right Click Design, which he still runs today. Richard and myself worked together building enterprise for multiple international logistics companies.

Throughout college I worked in the office at Rocky Hill Storage in Knoxville, TN. When it was time for them to get a new website we saw an opportunity.

Our Self Storage and Tech Background Helps to Perfect Our Products

There were many fractured services around websites for self storage. Rocky Hill Storage wanted to offer some basic features on their website that integrated with SiteLink's API.

It was no easy feat for them to find a company to create the website they desired without breaking the bank.


Our dream was to build web based software that empowers self storage facilities to have all the functionality they desire that can fit any budget.


Tommy, Richard and myself came together to build StoragePug, a software company to build enterprise software exclusively for Self Storage facilities.

We Build Features to Integrate Into Our Websites to Increase Revenue and Value

After our clients use our websites for a while, they realize the amazing benefit of having your self storage marketing website and self storage management software working in harmony.

So much that regularly we get calls from our clients that want to add some functionality to their website!

Those are truly my favorite calls to receive.

It is common practice for most web development firms (in all industries) to charge an exuberant amount for changes after the website is launched.

We designed StoragePug to be different, we didn't want to put our clients in that dilemma. Your website should be an extension of your facility, it needs to function as so.

StoragePug does not charge our clients for updates to your website, rather we want to help you to make the most of it!

StoragePug's Mission is to Create Useful Tools for Our Clients

One of the principle things that makes StoragePug special is how we WANT  to hear about the features that our Clients want!

We are always adding improvements and new features into our platform. StoragePug believes there is no better way to get ideas for new features than from the people who are benefiting from a fully integrated website.


"When our clients win, so does StoragePug!"


We have a robust set of services that can help any Self Storage owner and property manager. We are always striving to make our software better for our clients.

When we are filling up our development pipeline with new tasks we look at what features our clients have asked for and implement those.

We let our clients know when features are available and they can now have access to them!!

Reach Out to StoragePug So We Know What Features Self Storage Needs

We want to hear from you so we make this part as easy as we can! If you are on any page our our website you will notice a chat widget.

You can just click on that and let us know about your ideas! You can also hit the Contact button on this page to open the chat.

Please don't be shy, we love hearing from you, even if you don't have a StoragePug website!

This is just one of the many things that makes StoragePug special.

To read more about my favorite StoragePug features, take a look at Self Storage Rate Optimization: Boost your Profits,   The Importance of a Responsive Self Storage Website and Urgency Badge: Increase Online Conversion Rates.


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StoragePug is a modern marketing company for self storage. We create intelligent marketing websites that allow you to rent units & take payments through your facility's website.