Although self storage has traditionally been behind when it comes to technology, the past couple years have seen some great innovation.
Joining the Self Storage Association (SSA) puts you in touch with self storage owners like yourself.It provides you with networking opportunities, industry knowledge, legal advice, information on self storage products, and a myriad of other resources.
In a competitive market, discounts can be a great way to get new customers to move in. Whether you’re expanding, building, or simply need to fill up units, offering discounts through your website can be a great way to increase your occupancy.
StoragePug integrates with your self storage management software to pull the insurance you're offering. It's nothing extra to offer tenants insurance on your website!
A StoragePug Marketing Website can automatically adjust unit rates on your website by integrating directly with your Self Storage Management Software.
On this Self Storage Talk post we look at how Self Storage is an industry of expense and how Live Oak Bank, raises huge sums of money for self storage investing.