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Self storage kiosks are a good way to automate your facility, but your website can offer many of the same benefits but without the large upfront cost.

Google Adwords is an extremely popular online marketing tool for self storage. The goal of AdWords is to drive new traffic to your self storage website so they can rent units online.

Joining the Self Storage Association (SSA) puts you in touch with self storage owners like yourself.It provides you with networking opportunities, industry knowledge, legal advice, information on self storage products, and a myriad of other resources.

To capture online traffic in self storage, you need either great SEO, a well thought-out pay-per-click campaign, or both.

At StoragePug, we make it easy to offer self storage discounts on your facility's website. However, being able to offer a discount is not the same as ensuring that the discount will be effective.

Measuring your self storage digital marketing efforts is the process of gathering the results of your online marketing efforts with Marketing analytics. This data includes how your actions affect the journey of your customers and clients.

Referrals are primarily the results of word-of-mouth from happy tenants of your self storage facility.They test your services and their high level of satisfaction compels them to recommend you to their social circle.

Due to the high rate of internet access and social media, word-of-mouth can be the word of life or death for many businesses. It can be hard to figure out how to get reviews for a storage facility, but StoragePug is here to help.

Wondering if billboards for self storage advertising is a viable marketing strategy for your self storage facility? The good news is that billboards can be effective.

It used to be true that if you wanted your self storage business to succeed, you needed a listing in the Yellow Pages, so potential customers could find it with ease.

In today’s technologically savvy world, your self storage online reputation is either your best friend or your worst enemy.

We've all been to websites that use live chat to try to engage with their customers, but is this feature right for your self storage website?

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