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As a follow up to our announcement of our participation in Innov865's Startup Day 2018 pitch competition, we are pleased to announce that we took home both prizes!
Consider adding portable storage to your product line in order to increase your revenue. There are benefits to it, for businesses and for customers. Most of it boils down to flexibility and convenience. You can store a container almost anywhere there is enough space.
Every storage facility owner and manager dreads the thought of a live-in tenant. It’s not a situation that is easy to handle, and it’s one that often has a sad story behind it.
You’ve done it. You’ve been thinking about getting a piece of the 38 billion (with a B) dollar storage industry, and you finally pulled the trigger. Congratulations! Only now, you’ve got to figure out what to charge for these spanking new self storage units.
The best operational thing you can do for your storage business is to set expectations for yourself and your team – and meet them. To succeed, you must measure the degree of success and iteratively make changes to meet and exceed your goals.
How can you know what people are saying about your storage facility? With mentions tracking! Start by creating a series of alerts that are delivered right to your inbox. In effect, creating the right signals means you get an email each time someone mentions your business.
By setting up a secure online checkout process on your website, you can opportunistically ask for reviews at the completion page when the customer is at their most satisfied.
Investing in portable storage units is a smart move for self storage facilities. Not convinced? Read on for ten benefits of investing in portable storage.
A successful self storage brand starts with your facility manager. By implementing a manager rewards system, you can encourage your managers to be successful in acquiring more positive online reviews.
The most prominent part of how a self storage facility shows up is its reviews. Regardless of where the search result is from, the review rating tends to be the most prominent piece.
Reviews have become a staple of the way we interact with businesses and products online. For some reason, it feels beneficial to receive guidance from strangers when making a final decision on a purchase.
Is your self-storage facility's security as good as you need it to be? Here’s a look at five things you should be thinking about now and into the future as you address your self-storage facility's security.