Gabfocus Spotlight: Should you upgrade security at your facility?

September 17, 2024

self storage help video quote
2 min

How long has it been seen you updated your self storage facility's security systems?

There's always the chance you do business in an incredibly safe area where customers aren't even concerned about security. But that's rare, these days.

Not only does upgrading your security improve how safe your facility is, but it also allows you to market that you have shiny new security toys!

Take a listen as Aaron Harwell of SpiderDoor talks about his thoughts on whether it's time to upgrade your storage facility's security.

Question: "Should you upgrade security at your facility?"

Check out the video clip below to hear their answers:


In this Gabfocus Session: The Good, Better, & Best in Storage Security, Aaron Harwell of SpiderDoor sat down with Tommy and Melissa to talk about self storage security. They spoke on topics ranging from the best security amenities to thoughts on 24/7 access.

Check out the full Session to dive deeper! 

Don't want to watch the clip? Here's what Aaron had to say:

Obviously, most people, I'll never tell anybody to swap out what's working.

And they're like—and I met with a gentleman, super nice guy here in Birmingham a couple of weeks ago—and he's like, "This system is working fine right now, but they've gone out of business, so they're no longer. Once this breaks, it's going to break."

And he had individual alarms on units. And it's one thing, again, it's one thing to have your keypad outside, but if you've got individual unit alarms and that breaks and now you got 500 units that people can't get into or it's screaming automatically, you've got a disaster.

So, you know, in place of having an entrance and exit keep out, I got two items that can break. Now I got 500. And if all that goes down and it's triggering every time...

So his concern was it's not broke now, but I've got no backup plan when it happens. So if it's broken or if that's the case, maybe you plan that."

—Aaron Harwell

What Security Matters?

Check out our list of self storage security amenities!

5 Best Self Storage Security Amenities - Cover Drop Shadow