Gabfocus Spotlight: How should you improve your curb appeal?

July 17, 2024

self storage help video quote
3 min

Maybe you're already convinced that curb appeal is important.

Maybe you're also already certain you need to do some work on yours.

Great! But now, the question is, where do you start on improving your storage facility's curb appeal? What steps do you take to improve it?

You're in luck! Jane Sauls (of Sauls Storage Group) sat down with Melissa on Gabfocus to talk about curb appeal. In this Gabfocus Spotlight, she talks about how to improve your storage facility's curb appeal.

Question: "How should you improve your curb appeal?"

Check out the video clip below to hear their answers:


In this Gabfocus Session: Elevating Your Marketing Through Curb Appeal, Jane Sauls (Sauls Storage Group) sat down with Melissa to discuss all things curb appeal. What is it, why should you care about it, and how can you really elevate it and use it to your advantage? 

Check out the full Session to dive deeper! 

Don't want to watch the clip? Here's what Jane had to say:

For me, I'm going to tell you... read them room, understand your customer. Because what's important to my customer may not be in somebody else's.

For my customer, it is largely that female who feels good about coming to that property.

So she's going to like it. Everything about it that's clean. I would say you have an amazing facility when people just tell you they love to store there, and they can't put their finger on one thing. That's when you've nailed it. Because think, when you get all dressed up and go somewhere, you don't want people to talk about your earrings or that dress looks amazing.

You want them to say the whole idea is, "Wow, look at Melissa. She's radiant tonight," and they can't put their finger on it, but you brought it all together and everything about you is radiant.

And so that is, to me, that's the best compliment when you get your customers to say initially, "I just love it here, I just love it here. I love everything about it." And so sometimes they don't even know that rock knee wall has had an impact on that image. Right? They don't know that asphalt and extra-wide turns on the end of the building is what's made them comfortable. They don't know that your bright logo colors have welcomed them with that clean, crisp feel as well. And then the way it smells when they come into the facility.

So, it depends on where you're at with your facility, truly. But the littlest of things, including just keep your grass cut.

You know, and we have a lot of grass at Little Vine. You know, we're not the ones now that cut that, but we were at one point, we were. So just be sure.

And, you know, it goes all the way back to construction. If you're going to need 500 bales of pine straw to keep your landscape looking good, then you better have that in your operations budget for 500 bales of pine straw.

If you need to brighten up your doors. If you need to do some pressure washing, you know, and sometimes it's easier if somebody else will come visit your facility and point those things out.

Oh, I have one particular friend in the industry, and no matter how hard I think I've done on a facility, especially on a construction job site, as we're buttoning it up, when he walks it I know I'm gonna get my feelings hurt."

—Jane Sauls

Need to Make Your Curb Appeal Shine?

Get ready for more rentals by improving your curb appeal with our Spring Cleaning Handbook!

Spring Cleaning Handbook