Self Storage Websites: Sitemaps - Why They Matter

April 19, 2018

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2 min

Perhaps you've heard of a sitemap before, but have you ever seen one or know what they are used for?

For the casual internet surfer, they aren't very important. In fact, it would be argued they don't matter at all.

However, sitemaps are quite important in terms of SEO.

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What Does a Sitemap Do?

A sitemap provides clues to site crawlers about your self storage website. The information provided about a give page can include: the URL, how important the page is (to create a hierarchy), update frequency, and date modified. All of this information is useful for a crawler to know how and when to crawl a website.

When you submit your sitemap to Google you speed up the process of getting indexed. That way your self storage website can start to convert web traffic into paying tenants!

So what's it look like? See for yourself!


Rocky Hill Storage Sitemap An example of what a sitemap looks like.


Usually, sitemaps don't look this good, but yours truly has made it so and StoragePug sitemap looks nice. However, a web crawler doesn't care about this. Either way, here is an example of what an un-styled sitemap looks like.

For complex and/or large websites, sitemaps can link to other sitemaps to create a hierarchy. For example, Public Storage has a huge website, so their sitemap links to other sitemaps.

In summary, a sitemap is exactly what it sounds like - a map of a website!


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StoragePug is a modern marketing company for self storage. We create intelligent marketing websites that allow you to rent units & take payments through your facility's website.

Did you know StoragePug has a Help Center? This article originally appeared here.